Introduce “Master of Sports”-Unified Sports Classification System of the USSR


Written by Alyona

On December 4, 2009 Evgenia Kanaeva was awarded to
the title of the Honored Master of Sports. A special badge with serial number was handed to her by Irina Tchashina at Galina Gorenkova’s Memorial Cup in Omsk. This high sportive title was awarded to Evgenia by The Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of Russian Federation after Beijing Olympic Games. Today we will through light on the classification of sportive titles, which is unique for some countries of the former Soviet Union, and see what a sportsman/woman needs to accomplish in order to achieve the highest rank in his/her field.

Unified Sports Classification System of the USSR (since 1994 – of Russia) was established in 1935 to provide general physical education system requirements for athletes. Rhythmic Gymnastics was included in the classification system in 1941 before the first RG championship in Leningrad (Saint-Petersburg) and already in 1954 Lilia Nazmutdinova was rewarded with the first title of Master of Sports.

According to the Classification the lowest rank is Third Rank Junior Sportsman and the highest one is Master of Sports, International Level. For each rank there are age restrictions and requirements on the results achieved by a gymnast at certain level of competitions, with certain judges’ qualification and other competitors’ level.

For example, to get the title of Master of Sports, International Level a gymnast needs to be at least 15 years old, and to get 1-6 places at Olympic Games, or 1-3 places at World Championships/European Championships, or 1-2 places at World Cups.

Honored Master of Sports is outside the Qualification ranking, because this title is awarded directly by the government or President to the athlete who has won Olympic or World Championships or achieved some other outstanding results in sports on international level.

During her sportive career Evgenia Kanaeva has climbed up the ranking “ladder” from The Third Rank Junior Sportsman up to The Honored Master of Sports. Quite an impressive result for a 19 year-old girl! Although there is no more title to achieve for her, I am sure Zhenya will try her best at every start and continue to promote Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics on international level.

Note by Zoe Wan: WIKI’s article
The Badge of “Honored Master of Sports”

Lilia Nazmutdinova-the first Master of Sports in the history of Soviet RG


catts在維基百科看到”Master of Sports”這個認證制度的介紹,所以我們就想可以寫篇文章介紹一下這個認證系統。因此我請Alyona幫忙寫了這篇文章,以下是我的中譯:

去年124Zhenya被頒發Honored Master of Sports.頭銜。當時是在OMSK- Galina Gorenkova紀念比賽的時候,由她同鄉師姊Irina Tchachina將一個特別的徽章頒給她,徽章上頭還刻有序號。這個極高的榮耀是由俄羅斯體育、觀光及青年政策部在北京奧運後頒發給Zhenya的。今天就來解釋一下這個現今存在於部份前蘇聯國家獨特的運動頭銜制度。以及運動員需要達到什麼樣的成就才能獲得這個頭銜認證。

蘇聯統一的運動分類系統 俄文: Единая Всесоюзная спортивная классификация (俄羅斯是從1994年開始) 創建於1935年,這是對於運動員要求的體育制度。RG1941年時被加入到這個體系,於列寧格勒(現在的聖彼得堡) 舉辦第一個RG錦標賽之前。1954Lilia Nazmutdinova獲得第一個Master of Sports頭銜認證。
根據這個系統,最低階是第三級少年運動員(Third Rank Junior Sportsman)”,最高階是國際級的運動大師 (Master of Sports)” 。每一個等級的頭銜都對年齡有限制以及對體操選手在特定水準的比賽 (裁判的資格及競爭對手的水準)所達到的成績加以規定。
譬如: 要獲得國際級的運動大師 (Master of Sports)”頭銜,體操選手必須要年滿15歲以上,並在奧運比賽拿到1-6名的成績,或者在世界錦標賽/歐洲錦標賽取得1-3名的成績,又或者在世界杯拿到前兩名。功勛運動大師(Honored Master of Sports)” 是獨立於這個排位之外的。因為這個頭銜是由政府或者總統直接頒給奧運冠軍或世錦賽冠軍或者在其他國際級的比賽有傑出表現的選手。

Zhenya在其運動生涯已經從最低階的” “第三級少年運動員(Third Rank Junior Sportsman)”爬到了最高階的功勛運動大師(Honored Master of Sports)”。對於一個才19歲的少女這是非常驚人的成就。雖然對她而言,已經沒有更高的頭銜了,但我相信Zhenya一定會在每一次的比賽都盡她所能表現到最好,並且持續在國際比賽推廣俄羅斯的RG

註: 維基百科的介紹

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3 Responses to Introduce “Master of Sports”-Unified Sports Classification System of the USSR

  1. Wan and catts says:

    感謝Alyona!!! Space換上新banner, 雖然只是加上一段話. 但這段話跟照片真是完美的搭配.Many Thanks Alyona for this new banner. Love sooo much the phrase she quoted, it matches the photo perfectly.

  2. Wan and catts says:

    小兔媽媽拿的可能是國家級的"Master of Sports",Ira拿的不曉得是國際級的"Master of Sports" 還是"Honored Master of Sports"。

  3. Wan and catts says:

    那個"Honored Master of Sports" 跟 "Master of Sports" 中譯實在是不知該怎麼翻比較貼切,所以翻的很囧…

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