The Rite of Spring: Nijinsky vs Disney!

Since Zhenya use this music for her Hoop 2010,I totally fall in love with this piece!!! haha  
Actually I have the album for a very long time,but rarely listen to it till Zhenya used it orz…
The music is so complicated, powerful and dramatic. awesome work!!!
and I found great videos of Nijinsky’s Choreography-KIROV BALLET-conducted by 
Valery Gergiev
great videos, love the make up and costume. and very nice they show the preparing of the dancers, beautiful pictures of the costume at the begining, plus some clips when the performance was ended.
This is just so different with the typical ballet! Stravinsky and Nijinsky both are incredible dare to show this kind ballet.

and I also found another interesting videos, that’s Fantasia 1940 – The Rite of Spring, made by Disney
They use Stravinsky’s music but with total different story, it’s about " the history of Earth up to the extinction of the dinosaurs".
The music match the animation very well!!!

Here’s the videos, many thanks the uploader-MorteIncarnata

Part2: Fantasia 1940 – The Rite of Spring – Part 2: Evolution (my favorite part  )
Part3: Fantasia 1940 – The Rite of Spring – Part 3: Extinction
在Youtube看到這個芭蕾舞劇的影片,指揮家是Valery Gergiev,這是最有名的Nijinsky編舞版本,搭配的樂團可能是ST. Petersburg Kirov管弦樂團,古典音樂我不熟,恕我不清楚。這影片前面有介紹芭蕾舞者準備的片段,還有樂曲的介紹吧,也提供服裝設計圖,很漂亮。可惜是講德文,聽不懂。

and 在Youtube看到Disney動畫版的The Rite of Spring: 幻想曲 1940。但說的故事完全不同,Disney的幻想曲是講地球生成到恐龍滅絕的過程。跟原劇講古遠時代的蠻荒祭典完全不一樣。看著也挺有趣的,我最喜歡第2段恐龍出現那段。這動畫,音樂跟畫面配的很完美。

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13 Responses to The Rite of Spring: Nijinsky vs Disney!

  1. Wan and catts says:

    兔子, 太強大了!!!!!! 感謝你!!!!!!!

  2. RC says:


  3. Wan and catts says:


  4. Wan and catts says:

    謝謝兔子, 我看完了你傳的Pina Bausch版了. 這難怪被刪了. 土豆對於裸露的畫面好像還是很嚴苛. 雖說北京演過現場, 但網路上人人都能看, 管制就嚴一點吧. 看來劇作家都是喜歡表現"獻祭"那一段. 這段的確很適合編舞者發揮, 我覺得那個男生的也不錯.話說當時你是全部傳嗎? 還是只傳Pina Bausch版? 我看到 有人傳耶

  5. RC says:

    对了团长,你给的那个YTB上Mariinsky的春之祭好像就是去年出的那张DVD里的,我倒是可以把那张DVD 放到土豆上,给看不了YTB的各位,只是我这边这两天网速很囧。。。。不知道要传多久。。。

  6. Wan and catts says:

    謝謝兔子, 晚點就來 down~~

  7. RC says:

    团长,春之祭Pina Bausch版~(看了嫩就知道土豆为啥会给删了= =+但问题是这版是在北京演出过现场的啊。。。)

  8. RC says:


  9. Wan and catts says:

    哇 沒想到土豆也會刪片耶 O\’O 為什麼理由?? 這劇太異端了嗎?哈 如果你有空願意傳 先謝謝啦 ^_^

  10. RC says:

    团长,我有300MB的pina bausch版,当初想放土豆,结果被删了><你要的话我试试megaupload一下~

  11. Wan and catts says:

    兔子: Pina Bausch的有線上可以看嗎? 去年台灣還有3D版的說and 文章補上中文

  12. RC says:

    板凳~~~!传统版之外我最爱的还是Pina Bausch的春之祭~

  13. Wan and catts says:

    哇哈哈 原來Youtube影片加外框是在youtube那裡選的, 我笨笨的一直以為是在msn做設定

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