Zhenya WON “BREAKTHROUGH” Award yesterday

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Zhenya won "Breakthrough" award yesterday for the title "Best Young Athlete"。This is what Zhenya said @ the award ceremony,「”I want to thank my teachers – Vera Stelbaums and Irina Viner first of all. And also I want to thank all the people who supported me and believed in me!」

note by Zoe Wan: Many thanks to Alyona for telling this, she watched the TV transmission and said: 「Zhenya came to stage to pick the award and she looked gorgeous, so elegant!!! 」also Alyona said: 「believed in me! She was beautiful and she really deserved that award! I am so happy for her! This is a great point to finish this golden season 🙂 」YES!!!I totally agree with you,Alyona!!!


Zhenya 贏了"Breakthrough" 大獎,她是最佳年輕運動員,頒獎典禮在昨天舉行,俄羅斯總統 Dmitry Medvedev也到場。這張頒獎台上的照片,後面是前著名體操選手,現任國會議員-Svetlana Khorkina 跟 Minister of Sport-Vitaly Mutko。  

Zhenya領獎時說: 「首先我要感謝我的教練-Vera Shtelbaums跟Irina Viner,還有我要感謝所有支持我跟相信我的人。」

恭喜 Zhenya,well deserved!!!很開心她在年尾又拿到一個榮耀,like Alyona said: 「This is a great point to finish this golden season 🙂 」CONGRATULATIONS,ZHENYA!!!

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7 Responses to Zhenya WON “BREAKTHROUGH” Award yesterday

  1. Wan and catts says:

    Added news clip download link:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KMJET7KYand also upload to youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6MaeK3LvPU補上線上新聞影片download link, 並上傳到Youtube

  2. Wan and catts says:

    Well said Alyona, well said, I totally agree with you!!!Even though I am much older than Zhenya, I still learned many things from HER!!!

  3. alyona says:

    I am very proud to be a fan of Zhenya! Despite of being so young, she is a perfect example to follow not only for young gymnasts, but for all people on planet Earth. Her working abilities, her commitment and passion to the work she does, her steadiness and modesty, her lovely and kind attitude to fans are really worth to be admired! Keep going, Zhenya! And congratulations one more time!!!

  4. Laura says:

    CONGRATULATIONS ZHENYA!!!!!I\’m very happy for her!very very good 2009 Zhenya! Thanks Zhenya, you have proved that imposible is nothing. I think you deserved all of your triumphs. Your hard work, your incredible perseverance, your fantastic constancy, your aweson personality..have shown you PERFECTION. I\’m a gymnast and Zhenya has been my model to being ,she is, and she will be it.LOvEfOrZhEnYa

  5. Hsu says:

    恭喜Zhenya, Zhenya漂亮+1 =] 會長中間放的那張圖上的箭頭讓我誤以為是影片,還給它按下去(哈)

  6. m_nn says:


  7. RC says:


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